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We specialise in the renovation of stone and period property in and around Lancashire.  And that’s all we do !  We believe it takes experience, local expertise and a keen eye for detail to create beautiful, lovely and comfortable homes.  It’s an ethos we apply equally to our own developments and to those where we are renovating and project managing on behalf of all of our clients.


  Renovations to the highest standards

character, noun:

the qualities distinctive to an individual; 
the distinctive nature of something; 
strength and originality in a person’s nature; informal an eccentric or amusing person.

— DERIVATIVES characterful adjective characterless adjective.


We pride ourselves on delivering properties that retain their original character by renovating, refurbishing and restoring the period features.  Where possible we always endeavour to keep the features that give each property its own individual character.  Where this is not possible, we will replace period features with original features from the same period, and thus replace the character.


simplicity, noun:

The quality or state of being simple, unmixed, or uncompounded; 
Freedom from artificial ornament, pretentious style, or luxury; plainness; 
as, simplicity of dress, of style, or of language; simplicity of diet; simplicity of life;
Freedom from subtlety or abstruseness; clearness; as, the simplicity of a doctrine; 
the simplicity of an explanation or a demonstration.

simplicity (countable and uncountable; plural simplicities)

In our experience, delivering homes with a natural simplicity allows the character, charm and original features the space to stand out in their own right.  Simple lines enhance the elegance by accentuating the period features, something at Firtree Properties we remain committed to.

sophistication, noun:

Enlightenment or education;
Cultivated intellectual worldliness; savoir-faire;

sophistication (uncountable)



In each of the properties that we work, we bring a sophistication in terms of the quality, the elegance, refinement and flair to the finish we create.  This is done with a sympathy to the building, and a sympathy to the taste of our clients.  The chic, modern sophistication works at all times with original and period features to give a lovely blend of contemporary mixed with traditional.


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